Rootwalk Plant Zine


Rootwalk Plant Zine


Every place has many entangled and multifaceted stories. Rootwalk shares insight into the personal, poetic, ecological, and activist stories associated with plants living within the Rio Grande watershed. The plant zine is a collection of stories written by community members for a public art installation at the Santa Fe Railyard Park in 2021. Each story serves as a guide for readers to deepen their associations with a collection of plants within the region. The zine was originally printed in black and white and distributed for free. Preview the contents of the zine and read more about the project here.

This digitally printed color edition is 5.5 x 7.5 inches of hand-bound sweetness.

25% of each sale will be donated to the Español Healing Foods Oasis, a community healing garden organized by Tewa Women United, who contributed three plant drawing and descriptions to the Rootwalk zine.

Zines come with a handprinted muslin cover and a seed packet.

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